2023-07-21 ยท 1 min read
- Remember strings must be surrounded with single quotes '' not double quotes ""!
"dry run" in psql
repl #
Don't know why I didn't think of this. Literally just wrap everything in a transaction. If you fuck up, just rollback.
-- whatever queries --
-- or
better printing for long rows #
\x auto
update, then print new values #
update payment
set id = 'os_57ea76' where id = 'or_57ea76'
returning created_at, id;
update payment
set id = replace(id, 'or_', 'os_')
where starts_with(id, 'or_')
returning created_at, id;
upsert #
-- silently ignore on conflict
insert into "user"
values ('442e9dd9d1a3e39c203ce131492090d7', '4e718d3c17d3f4c67e2eaa26da2feb66')
on conflict (user_pk) do nothing;
-- replace on conflict
insert into "user"
values ('442e9dd9d1a3e39c203ce131492090d7', '4e718d3c17d3f4c67e2eaa26da2feb66')
on conflict (user_pk) do update set node_pk = EXCLUDED.node_pk;
-- also return
insert into "user"
values ('442e9dd9d1a3e39c203ce131492090d7', '4e718d3c17d3f4c67e2eaa26da2feb66')
on conflict (user_pk) do update set node_pk = EXCLUDED.node_pk
returning user_pk, node_pk;
explore db #
-- show tables (basic info)
# \dt
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner
public | payment | table | lx
public | seaql_migrations | table | lx
public | user | table | lx
(3 rows)
-- show tables (more detail)
# \dt+
List of relations
Schema | Name | Type | Owner | Persistence | Access method | Size | Description
public | payment | table | lx | permanent | heap | 172 kB |
public | seaql_migrations | table | lx | permanent | heap | 16 kB |
public | user | table | lx | permanent | heap | 16 kB |
(10 rows)
string length #
select length('1234');
(1 row)
hex #
-- hex encode
select encode(data, 'hex');
(1 row)
-- hex decode
select decode('01abef', 'hex');
(1 row)
-- hex binary literal
select x'01abefff';
(1 row)