universal-ctags notes
2022-01-16 ยท 1 min read
useful regex debugger: https://regex101.com/
single line regex: --regex-<lang>=/<line-pattern>/<tag-name-pattern>/<kind>/[<flags>]
useful flags: {exclusive}
: don't run any other parsers on this line if the regex matches. useful for comments.
multi-line regex: --mline-regex-<lang>=/<line-pattern>/<tag-name-pattern>/<kind>/[<mline-flags>]
useful flags: {mgroup=N}
: the capture group that decides where this tag is located (where you go when you go-to the tag). necessary for pretty much every mline regex AFAICT.
useful character classes:
== [ \t]
== \s
== any whitespace character (incl. newline if multi-line)