
2021-12-31 ยท 1 min read

Koka Book: https://koka-lang.github.io/koka/doc/book.html

  • functions literally all the way down (mod some primitives)
  • algebraic effects nicely integrated into the language at all levels
  • first-class effect type, composes nicely, allows user-defined control flow, almost all control syntax (e.g. while, for, ..) is actually just functions + fun for ( start : int, end : int, action : (int) -> e ()) : e () + fun while( pred : () -> <div|e> bool, action : () -> <div|e> () ) : <div|e> () + note: <div|e> means polymorphic effect e union effect div (divergent, possibly non-terminating)
  • universal dot call syntax! myint.double == double(myint)
  • effects effectively specify an "interface" of handlers, which can be overridden
  • very curious how extensive non-linear control flow affects performance : )